Healing Crystals Co.

Seraphinite: Complete Guide (2024)

seraphinite gem

In this post, we reveal everything you need to know about seraphinite, including its meaning, properties, types, colors, and uses. Let's get started!


A stone so precious, the angels claimed it for themselves. Seraphinite is not only a powerful healer, it's also a highly rare gem in the world of crystals, which adds to its appeal! In this guide, we’ll go deep and explore the origins, meanings, and uses of seraphinite, as well as how to care for and connect with this special stone.

In this article we discuss the following:

  • Seraphinite Meaning
    • What is Seraphinite?
      • How Hard is Seraphinite?
      • Seraphinite Spiritual Meaning
      • Is Seraphinite Toxic?
    • Seraphinite Healing
    • Seraphinite Benefits
    • Russian Seraphinite
  • Seraphinite Properties
    • Seraphinite Metaphysical Properties
    • Seraphinite Healing Properties
  • Seraphinite Colors
    • Golden Seraphinite
      • Golden Seraphinite Meaning
    • Black Seraphinite
    • Blue Seraphinite
    • Green Seraphinite
  • Seraphinite Types
    • Raw Seraphinite
    • Seraphinite Tumbled
    • Natural Seraphinite
  • Seraphinite Jewelry
    • Seraphinite Ring
      • Seraphinite Vintage Ring
    • Seraphinite Pendant
    • Seraphinite Cabochon
    • Seraphinite Bracelet
    • Seraphinite Earrings
  • Seraphinite Uses
    • Seraphinite Plugs
    • Seraphinite Beads
    • Seraphinite Heart
    • Seraphinite Slab
    • Seraphinite Sphere
    • Seraphinite Cylinder
    • Seraphinite Vintage Cuff
  • Seraphinite for Sale
    • Seraphinite Price
    • Seraphinite Rough for Sale
    • Seraphinite Slabs Wholesale
    • Seraphinite Beads Wholesale

Seraphinite Meaning

Seraphinite crystal can be referred to as the "angel stone", and is both a stunning and transformative gemstone. Its name is derived from the celestial beings called Seraphim, attributed to its ethereal appearance.

Although not traditionally associated with a specific birth month, seraphinite birthstone is associated with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and is said to bring luck and protection to those born under this sign.

What is Seraphinite?

Seraphinite stone is primarily composed of a mineral called clinochlore, which belongs to the chlorite group of minerals. This typically green stone often features silver and white patterns that shimmer in light, known as chatoyancy or angel's wings, caused by the presence of mica crystals. These mineral inclusions contributed to seraphinite’s other name, angel stone.

How Hard is Seraphinite?

Seraphinite only has a hardness level of around 2.5 to 3 on the Mohs scale. This relatively low hardness classifies it as a “soft stone” compared to others commonly used in jewelry.

Seraphinite should therefore always be handled with care to avoid scratches or damage. Understandably, this stone is not recommended for use in high-impact jewelry.

Seraphinite Spiritual Meaning

We’ll do a deep dive into the seraphinite gem a little later in this piece, but for now it’s important to know that seraphinite is associated with the angelic realm and is believed to be a stone of spiritual enlightenment and connection.

This is a very short summary of a very long list of metaphysical properties, all of which we’ll delve deeper into soon, but note that seraphinite also holds meaning when it comes to the physical body!

Is Seraphinite Toxic?

No, seraphinite is not toxic, but it is rare! It is only found in very specific locations, primarily in the Lake Baikal region of Siberia, Russia. The scarcity of seraphinite rare contributes to its value and desirability around the world!

Seraphinite Healing

Seraphinite is a stone that is used by various types of healers who work with crystals and energy healing modalities. The stone's spiritual and physical healing properties make it appealing to practitioners of Reiki, crystal healing, and anyone who practices energy medicine. It is easily incorporated into healing sessions and used for chakra balancing, meditation, and personal growth work.

Seraphinite Benefits

While Seraphinite may be widely recognized for its metaphysical properties, it also offers benefits outside of the realm of spirituality. This includes its ability to promote physical vitality and rejuvenation, aid in detoxification processes, and enhance the body's natural healing abilities.

As mentioned, we’re going to dive deeper into each of the seraphinite benefits in a moment, so stay with us!

Russian Seraphinite

Russian seraphinite is primarily found in the Lake Baikal region of Siberia, which is located in southeastern Russia. This area is known for producing the highest quality and most sought-after seraphinite on the planet.

The deep green color and distinctive silver chatoyant patterns that seraphinite is famous for are characteristics commonly found in the stones sourced from this specific region. It’s the unique geological conditions of the Lake Baikal area that contribute to the formation of this rare gem.

Seraphinite Properties

As promised, let’s take a journey into the various metaphysical and physical healing proprieties that seraphinite has to offer. How do I specify the kind of healing I desire, you may wonder? Well, when it comes to crystals, intention is everything!

By simply calling forth the specific healing you are seeking, be that spiritual or physical, the stone’s natural intelligence will kick in to deliver you the correct benefits. 

Seraphinite Metaphysical Properties

This stone is considered to be one of spiritual enlightenment, connecting one deeply with higher realms and angelic energies. Seraphinite is believed to activate and open the heart chakra, promoting love, compassion, and forgiveness in the process.

It is said that seraphinite can assist in releasing emotional patterns or trauma, in turn facilitating emotional healing and inner peace. Seraphinite is also able to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth, leading to profound transformation on many levels!

Seraphinite Healing Properties

On a more grounded, physical level, seraphinite can work closely with the human body if needed. It has a potent detoxifying effect on the system at large, assisting in the elimination of toxins from the body and supporting liver and kidney function. Seraphinite is also considered highly beneficial for the cardiovascular system, assisting with issues such as circulation, heart health, and blood pressure regulation.

Additionally, wearing seraphinite on the body may aid in cellular regeneration, boosting the immune system, and supporting the healing of injuries or illnesses. 

Seraphinite Colors

The main and most common color of seraphinite is typically a deep green shade. In addition to the green, seraphinite usually features varying shades of silver or white, which gives the stone its characteristic shimmering or chatoyant effect, as we noted earlier on. With this in mind, there are rare instances where seraphinite forms in a range of alternate color hues. We explore a few of them below.


Golden Seraphinite

Golden seraphinite, also known as golden chlorite, is a variation of the gemstone that exhibits a golden or yellowish hue in addition to the typical green color — note we said “in addition”. This golden hue is attributed to the presence of additional minerals or trace elements in the stone.

Golden Seraphinite Meaning

Golden seraphinite will still possess the same metaphysical properties and characteristics as traditional green seraphinite, simply with an added warmth and vibrancy in its golden tones, which some healers and enthusiasts find appealing.

More than this, golden seraphinite is also believed to promote self-esteem and personal power, encouraging one to embrace their inner strength and radiate confidence; To shine outward like the golden light that the stone embodies. 

Black Seraphinite

Yes, seraphinite can occur within the black color spectrum. Instead of the typical green hues, the seraphinite exhibits a predominantly black or dark gray structure. The cause behind the black coloration in seraphinite is attributed to increased concentrations of graphite or other dark-colored minerals within the stone.

The darkness adds an air of mystery to the stones, while still carrying the energetic properties and characteristics associated with the traditional green seraphinite.

Blue Seraphinite

Blue seraphinite is an extremely rare and highly valued variation of the seraphinite family. Blue seraphinite is typically a result of the presence of fibrous minerals such as amphibole or riebeckite at the time of formation. These minerals are able to reflect and scatter blue light, giving the seraphinite a striking blue glow.

Offering the powerful metaphysical properties of regular seraphinite, blue seraphinite also holds calming and soothing energies associated with all blue stones. It is believed to prompt inner peace, emotional healing, and clear communication via the blue chakra, also known as the throat!

Green Seraphinite

As we know, green seraphinite is the most common and widely found variation of all the seraphinite gemstones. The green color is a result of the mineral chlorite occurring within the stone.

Overall, green seraphinite is more abundant and easily accessible compared to other color variations, such as blue or golden specimens. That said, remember that all seraphinite gems are rare, even if some hues are more abundant than others. 

Seraphinite Types

Seraphinite stones don’t just differ in color; There are various types of stone that can be found, too. These are namely raw, tumbled and natural, and below we’ll discuss the specifics of each so that you can identify any piece of seraphinite with ease.  

Raw Seraphinite

Raw seraphinite refers to seraphinite that has not yet been polished or shaped into any specific form. Technically, it is in its natural state as it is found underground.

Raw seraphinite is usually quite rough, with a very textured, uneven surface. Raw cuts of seraphinite are mostly valued by crystal enthusiasts who prefer minerals to be kept in their original, most natural state.

Seraphinite Tumbled

One can then take a piece of raw seraphinite and apply a process called “tumbing”. Tumbled stones are those that have been polished and shaped into smooth, rounded forms using the tumbling method. This is a process where the stones are placed in a rotating drum with abrasive materials, such as sand or grit, to gradually wear away rough edges and create a polished finish.

Seraphinite tumbled stones will have a smooth texture and a glossy appearance, making them more sought after in crystal healing therapies, meditation, and jewelry-making.

Natural Seraphinite

All raw seraphinite is natural, but not all natural seraphinite is raw! When we use the term “natural” to refer to a crystal, we are referencing a stone that is a natural product of the Earth, and not a man-made rendition.

In this day and age, there aren’t many gems that can’t be made and replicated in a laboratory setting. For obvious reasons, natural gemstones are better in all aspects, especially since non-natural crystals can’t offer any healing properties whatsoever. 

Seraphinite Jewelry

Yes, we know that seraphinite is not the most ideal stone for jewelry making given that it has relatively low hardness (2.5 to 3 on the Mohs scale), but even so, there are jewelry makers all over the world who have found ways of incorporating this soft stone into low impact pieces. Read on and we’ll discuss a few of them below:

Seraphinite Ring

It is necessary to consider a few factors before deciding on a seraphinite ring. Firstly, seraphinite rings may not withstand significant daily wear or accidental impacts. If you plan to wear a seraphinite ring regularly, it's crucial to handle it with care and avoid situations where it could be exposed to excessive pressure or potential damage, such as exercise.

Secondly, be aware that seraphinite's shimmering patterns will vary from stone to stone. When buying a seraphinite ring online, it's best to request to handpick the specific stone that will be sent to you. This way, you can ensure your preferences are met and that you’re not sent the dullest stone in the batch. 

Seraphinite Vintage Ring

Seraphinite vintage rings are not as common as we would like. Seraphinite was not widely used in vintage jewelry designs in the past, so vintage pickings are slim, to say the least. Seraphinite only really became popular among gemstone enthusiasts in recent decades.

Now this is not to say that vintage rings featuring seraphinite don’t exist at all, but they are definitely harder to come by compared to vintage rings with more common gems.


Seraphinite Pendant

You can use a seraphinite pendant as a pendulum! As we know, seraphinite’s energetic properties make it suitable for various metaphysical practices, and this includes divination.

To use a seraphinite pendant as a pendulum, you would simply have to hold the pendant by its chain or cord, allowing it to dangle freely. Start by asking simple yes or no questions and observing the pendulum's movements, and you’ll surely receive answers or guidance.

Seraphinite Cabochon

A cabochon refers to a piece of crystal that has been shaped and polished into a smooth, rounded, and domed shape, usually without any facets. Cabochons are commonly used in jewelry making in order to create settings for gemstones. Seraphinite cabochons are stunning, and they can be set into rings, pendants, earrings, or other pieces of jewelry. 

Seraphinite Bracelet

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, if it’s physical healing properties that you’re after, you need to wear your stone on your wrists. You see, the wrists are the most direct path into the human bloodstream, and from there, the rest of the body.

By holding a crystal at wrist-area, you’re inviting the benefits directly into your system, when the bloodstream can then send them throughout the entire body. Naturally, wearing a bracelet made of the crystal is the easiest way to go about this, but one can also reap the rewards by holding a stone up against the writs for extended periods of time. 

Seraphinite Earrings

The truth is that seraphinite earrings are not as common as earrings featuring more popular gemstones like diamonds, pearls, or sapphires. We know that seraphinite is not widespread,  however with the growing interest in distinctive gemstones, seraphinite earrings have started to gain some popularity.

Because of this stone’s powerful connection to the angelic realms, you may want to wear seraphinite earrings intermittently, as they can cause headaches after long exposure to the head. 

Seraphinite Uses

Believe it or not, seraphinite has a number of uses outside of the jewelry industry. From plugs to slabs, there are numerous ways that one can incorporate this stone into everyday life, without having to wear it as an adornment. Let’s take a look at a few. 

Seraphinite Plugs

Seraphinite plugs, also known as ear gauges or tunnels, are jewelry accessories specifically designed for stretched earlobes. They can be made directly from seraphinite rock, which isn’t always possible or recommended when it comes to gauge-design.

Seraphinite Beads

Popular gemstones like quartz, amethyst, or agate are easy to find in bead form; seraphinite? Not so much. Seraphinite is both rare and expensive, which makes it somewhat difficult to use for bead production.

Now this is not to say that seraphinite beads don’t exist at all — they are definitely out there, and may just require some deep diving on e-commerce sites to find a reputable seller!

Seraphinite Heart

A seraphinite heart is simply a heart-shaped carving from seraphinite rock. All heart shaped crystals hold symbolic meaning, representing love, compassion, and emotional well-being. A seraphinite heart will be used in crystal healing to promote balance on both an emotional and spiritual level.

Seraphinite hearts can be held, placed on the body during meditation or healing practices, or carried as a talisman in everyday life. They are great gifts for anyone within the Sagittarius zodiac sign. 

Seraphinite Slab

A seraphinite slab is a thick slice of seraphinite, usually cut and polished for display or for various artistic purposes. Seraphinite slabs showcase the unique green color and remarkable silver chatoyant patterns of the gemstone, making them quite a sight to behold.

Seraphinite Sphere

Also intended for divination, seraphinite spheres are mostly utilized by individuals who are drawn to the energy and metaphysical properties of this gemstone. After being finely polished, the spheres offer a smooth and symmetrical surface that allows energy to emanate in all directions.

In addition to making great decorative items, they are also employed by crystal healers, energy workers, and individuals who seek to enhance their spiritual connections. 

Seraphinite Cylinder

In short, a seraphinite cylinder refers to a cylindrical-shaped gemstone that is carved or cut from this rock. The cylinder shape is elongated and can vary in size and thickness, but is almost always smooth and polished. Crystal cylinders can be used in various ways, such as for crystal healing, meditation, energy work, or simply as decorative or ornamental pieces.

Seraphinite Vintage Cuff 

One last jewelry mention to end off, a seraphinite vintage cuff is a rare, yet stunning piece of jewelry that can only be crafted with high-quality materials so that the cuff is durable and able to last. Typically worn as a statement piece or paired with other bracelets for a stacked look, a seraphinite cuff is perfect for any occasion… if you can find one!

Seraphinite for Sale

Being a less common gem, there are several reputable places where you can buy seraphinite. Websites like Etsy, Amazon, and gemstone-specific online stores often have a variety of real seraphinite jewelry available for purchase.

Make sure to read reviews and check the authenticity of the seller before paying a dime — there are also many tricksters out there. Some local jewelry stores may carry seraphinite jewelry, or be able to order it for you. Call around to stores in your area to inquire!


Seraphinite Price

Like other high end gems, seraphinite is priced per carat. On average, seraphinite can range in price from around $10 to $100 per carat. Larger and higher-quality stones will always be on the higher end of the price spectrum, while smaller or lower-quality stones can be more affordable.

Seraphinite Rough for Sale

If it’s a raw cut of seraphinite that you’re after, then we’re going to outright suggest heading to any local gem and mineral shows. These events always bring together vendors and collectors who have ample rough gemstones for sale, and authenticity is pretty much guaranteed.

Similarly, getting involved with local lapidary clubs or gemstone societies can connect you with individuals who may be selling or able to source rough seraphinite for you. 

Seraphinite Slabs Wholesale

Take note that seraphinite slabs wholesale are not going to be as common as some other types of gemstone slabs. Though not impossible, this typically isn’t an easy find. Exploring online gemstone marketplaces, attending trade shows, and contacting gemstone suppliers directly may increase your chances of finding and acquiring seraphinite slabs in bulk… good luck! 

Seraphinite Beads Wholesale

Similarly, we also know that seraphinite beads are not all that common either. This is due to the rarity of these stones, meaning that anything bulk or wholesale is going to be a tough call.

We recommend getting onto all major e-commerce platforms (Etsy, Amazon, eBay etc) and starting to connect with suppliers who might be able to source a batch of beads for you. From there, you can develop a relationship that can lead to more of a wholesale agreement in future.

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